2022 Quantum Chaos Set

An electron is seen as being analogous to the movement of a spinning top. When a spinning top goes out of its spin cycle, it falls into chaos in the same way an electron in a quantum position is governed by its spin. The series draws from the analogy of the axis of a spinning…

The Swerve

In this exhibition I explored ‘the potential of what Lucretius referred to as the Clinamen – a concept he borrowed from Epicurean atomism which refers to the unpredictable swerve of atoms in their movement through space. The interactions and ‘crashes’ caused by atomic swerve, by the clinamen, is therefore the trigger- point or material rupture…

In the act of happening

The exhibition ‘In the Act of Happening’ carries on Paul Thomas’s research into quantum phenomena and how we express these invisible forces. In attempting to visualise what is at first invisible and thus inconceivable, once these forces which inform our material world become visible and conceivable, our model of the material world shifts and in…

2017 Nanoessence and Quantum Consciousness

Nanoessence and Quantum Consciousness presented at the  “The Rise of Bio-Society”, exhibition that examined recent developments in the areas of Bio-tech Art & Culture at the Riddoch Art Gallery, 1 Bay Road, Mount Gambier. . Saturday April 8 – Sunday May 7. Closed Good Friday. Artist Paul Thomas  with  Kevin Raxworthy have collaborated on the “Nanoessence” installation which is based…

2016 Quantum Consciousness Dome

Presentation as part of  the Fourth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture, on transferring the artwork Quantum Consciousness to the dome in the Immersive Vision Theatre, Plymouth University. During the residency for Quantum Consciousness Residency at  i-DAT Technical support Luke Christison Photography Mike Phillips

Nature Nanotechnology

A violation of the so-called Bell inequality represents a strong proof of the ability to create and control quantum states of a pair of quantum bits with no classical analogues. Andrea Morello and co-workers have now demonstrated a violation of Bell’s inequality in a pair of qubits in silicon, encoded in the electron spin and…

2015 Talking to an electron

‘The most exotic technology ever conceived of the quantum computer’ ‘Talking to an electron’ was developed in relation to my quantum consciousness project by using a reading of Feynman’s 1982[1] paper to affect the microwave signal that stimulates and excites the electron to spin. The microwave signal is used in quantum computer research to drive the phosphorous electron…

2015 Quantum Consciousness and Richard Feynman

The new scientific data for this project is generated from a microwave signal which transforms a reading of Richard Feynman’s (1982) paper on the birth of the quantum computer. The link between the quantum computer, consciousness and artistic expression is presented via the installation through the co-emergence of thought and quantum conditions. Quantum Consciousness is…

2015 Quantum Consciousness

Current Research on the Quantum computer, Consciousness and the  Spin   In science the concept of the spin is fundamental to quantum research where flux and vibration at the very centre of the universe. The quantum spin is based on controlling the property of an electron, photon or neutron (qubit) as the foundational understanding of matter….

2012 Multiverse

Multiverse The research project is looking for parallel universes that have evolved by working with concepts from Richard Feynman’s lecture on Photons – Corpuscles of Light and Fits of Reflection and Transmission – Quantum Behaviour. The interactive artwork Multiverse visualises a parallel universe based on the diagrammatic presentation from Richard Feynman 1979 lectures where he…

2011 Atomism

  Residual images within silver.   LEA Volume 17 Issue 1: Atomism: Residual Images within Silver   Atomism is a collaborative Installation with Kevin Raxworthy that investigates silver, the mirror, and quantum theories of light. Richard Feynman in his 1979 lectures tells that light hits a mirror at all points not just at the point of…

2010 Nanoessence

Nanotechnology research project – Nanoessence, Paul Thomas in collaboration with Kevin Raxworthy The Nanoessence project aims to examine life at a sub cellular level, re-examining space and scale within the human context. A single HaCat skin cell is analysed with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) to explore comparisons between, life and death at a nano…

Nanoessence installations

IMAGES & MIRAGES @ NANOSCIENCES EXHIBITION DU 8 AU 16 DÉCEMBRE 2010 À TOULOUSE     La philosophie du nanoart. (French) The Philosophy of Nanoart (English) P. Thomas, La philosophie du nanoart, Images & mirages @ nanosciences, edited by X. B. Anne Sauvageot, Xavier Marie, Hermann Editions 2011    Art in the Age of Nanotechnology:…

2007 Midas

      The project investigates the transition phase between gold and skin is based initially on a collaboration with Symbiotica and then with Nanochemistry Research Institute (NRI). The change in data that can be recorded of the atoms vibration in relationship to the transition phase between skin and gold will be gathered and archived to use for the main…


Nano-noise Feynman atomic vibration Paul Thomas In 1959 Feynman presented his paper Why cannot we write the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Brittanica on the head of a pin? ‘Let’s see what would be involved. The head of a pin is a sixteenth of an inch across. If you magnify it by 25,000 diameters,…